

During the period between October 2003 and December 2006, that the implementation of the DIONYSOS Project took place, the following actions materialized:

Various alternative scenarios for the management of winery wastes were designed, tested and evaluated. These scenarios aimed at the effective and integrated treatment of the specific waste and simultaneously at the recovery of the polyphenols content.

The optimum management scenario was selected according to technoeconomic and environmental criteria.

Based on the selected scenario a test plant was designed and constructed at pilot scale.

The pilot plant operated during two successive wine producing periods. During this period continuous improvements of the pilot plant took place in order to achieve its optimum performance

The application of the developed technology led to the production of:

Enriched polyphenolic extract (1 Kg per 100 Kg of grape pomace)

Pure polyphenols (e.g. resveratrol)

The above products are suitable, in terms of chemical form and purity, to be used as raw material in various applications:

- production of medicines

- production of cosmetics

- production of food supplements etc.

Natural organic fertilizer (compost).

  Progress, Results

The activities implemented and the corresponding resulted outputs are presented per task in the following Table and analyzed briefly in the Final Report.


Task No.

Task Title




Project management

Management of the project

Management of the project

Financial, Scientific and Technical coordination of the project

Financial, Scientific and Technical coordination of the project

Progress reporting to the EC

1st , 2nd , 3rd and 4th Progress Reports Final Report


Review, analysis and design

Review on winery waste management technologies and know-how

Report on existing technologies and know-how concerning winery solid waste and wastewater management.

Analysis of pilot plant design data

Design of the pilot plant process

Pilot plant designed and engineered.

Pilot plant construction phase planned in detail.

Pilot plant operation methodology organized.


Pilot plant construction

Purchase of all the necessary components for the assembling and construction of the pilot plant

Pilot plant (preliminary treatment sub-units, central polyphenols recovery sub-unit, composting sub-unit, animal food production sub-unit) constructed and operational

Construction of the pilot plant


Operation, evaluation and optimization of the pilot plant

Operation of the pilot plant

Technical Report on the pilot plant operation (preliminary treatment sub-units, central polyphenols recovery sub-unit, composting sub-unit, animal food production sub-unit)

Monitoring of the operational and environmental parameters

Optimization of the process

Qualitative and quantitative characterization of the extracted natural antioxidants, fertilizer and animal food


Evaluation of Pilot plant outcomes

Assessment and analysis of the pilot plant results

Feasibility and full-scale upgrade studies of the process


Evaluation of the viability for a full-scale development of the process